Below you may see company's details, in case you need additional documents(certification of state registration, taxpayer's identification number) you may turn to our accounting department.
Organization name: | Limited Liability Company 'AnkoKorsa' |
Abbreviation: | Ankokorsa, LLC |
UNP/Payer’s Account Number: | 291417803 |
OKПO: | 304859341000 |
Legal adress: | office 206, Kujbyshev Street 111, Baranovichi, 225409 |
Factual adress: | office 206, Kujbyshev Street 111, Baranovichi, 225409 |
Telephone, fax: | +37516361-48-44 |
E-mail: | |
Bank details: | р/с BY38BELB30120103150460226000 in JSC «Bank BELVEB» in city of Minsk, BELBBY2X |